The average house price on SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE is £160,064
The most expensive house in the street is 2 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE with an estimated value of £172,318
The cheapest house in the street is 1 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE with an estimated value of £139,495
The house which was most recently sold was 10 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE, this sold on 25 May 2007 for £100,000
The postcode for SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE is HU12 9JY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE Terraced £139,495 £85,000 23 Feb 2007
2 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE Terraced £172,318 £102,000 8 Nov 2006
3 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE Semi-Detached £160,875 £100,000 18 May 2007
4 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE Semi-Detached £166,759 £98,000 6 Oct 2006
10 SALTAUGH SANDS ESTATE Semi-Detached £160,875 £100,000 25 May 2007